The Scientist's Oath

The Oath to live by for Scientists all around the globe

  • My work shall only be to further the betterment of humanity. I shall not work on making it regress. I shall not assist in its destruction. I will only work towards making every human being's life easier to bear. I will help shape a future in which the use of science is more responsible.
  • Absolute truth, facts, logic and reason will drive what I do. Hatred, opinions, leanings and personal desires shall not hinder my work or deviate its course. I will describe and observe the world as it is, and not as I want it to be. I will not discriminate and will remain unbiased in my work. My work shall be of service to everyone, and on equal footing.
  • I will not, under any circumstances, let myself be corrupted, forced, bought or influenced to favor anyone or anything in any of my work. I will not let outside forces hinder my work or deviate its course. I will keep the independence required to do my work. I will maintain the integrity required to do my work. I will, under no circumstances, use my knowledge to work against the laws of humanity.
  • I will not use the education or knowledge I have received and developed to further any personal agenda. I will not make a profit off of the relative ignorance of those who are affected by my work. I will not take shortcuts or cut corners to make my work easier. I will not break the trust of those affected by my work. I will keep secret what is confessed to me as part of my work.
  • Due to the sensitive nature of my work and its potential ramifications, I will always put the safety of everyone else on a higher priority than my own personal desires and ambitions. I will stop myself from doing what I shouldn't.
  • Whether it be directly or indirectly, I will cause no harm. My work shall not put anyone in harm's way. My work shall not make it easy to put anyone in harm's way.
  • It is not my place to judge or punish. My role is to help, counsel and assist. Although I may be able to alert the proper authorities, it is my duty to understand and to make sure I will not endanger innocent lives. Although my knowledge may help others in crafting their judgement, it shall not replace it. I will not let others use my assitance as a replacement for a proper judgement.
  • Advances in Science shall be shared with peers so that we may, as a whole, help make the world a better place for everyone, everywhere. Although there may be trademarks, patents and property, I shall strive to make discoveries available to all. I will help my peers so that, together, we may reach greater heights.
  • Only through time can we truly know if something is for certain. It is our duty to challenge what is known, if it still applies to the current state of the world, if it is still correct and true. Reevaluating may also help making discoveries.
  • I will, within the limits of reason and the realm of possibilities, perfect my craft by staying up to date with modern practices, techniques and advancements. I will try to find ways to make myself more efficient as well as more accurate.